Monday, December 3, 2007


wow Joe Weiss reminds me of an old school gamer- his passion is multi-media jounrnalism is great and hes serious about it.

he has a strong opinion about issues- and he has strong rules of engagment which he takes personally if someone brakes them- he makes people who brake them sound completly inocompetent

ok hes not a weirdo im the same way. if someone brakes the rules of engagment i feel personally insulted.

so maybe i should say that he has a passion about what he does- thats good there is meaning in his life and he helps others

its also interesting that he has such clear cut rules on such a new medium. i think most people see slide sows as a relatively new medium where boundaries are not yet set- but Weiss has clear boundaries. he;s ahead of his ime a dreamer

maybe he will be considered a founding father of mult-media slide show journalism.

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