Tuesday, September 2, 2008

the clash of civilizations

With all due respect I think this article is a classic case of a scholar coming up with a thesis and then finding the evidence to prove the theory. With this startegy almost anything can be proven right. I proved Andrew Jackson was a good president in 7th grade with a lot less education the this guy.

Anyone can find ways to classify people and then identify that as their main conflict. I actually think the theasis that we will go back to our old riverlies is lazy. Just because the ideologies wars have "ended" does not mean that we wont find a new way to ague.

Huntington included the best argument against him in his own article. Japan does not "clash" with the west, but they have different cultures. Further, unlike what Huntignton would like to believe cultures that are alike have wars all the time. britain vs ireland. russia vs poland. russia vs georgia. france and all of europe.

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